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Australian Wii compatible with Japanese TV? 2011/2/3 11:15
Hey, im moving back to Japan in March from Australia. I am planning to take my AUS Wii with my AUS games back to Japan and i want to play. Im probably gonna live in Leopalace 21 im thinking. anyway, my question is, will my AUS Wii be compatible with Japanese (or old Leopalace 21) TV's? that is, i want to play in full colour too (and not just black and white).

by Dan (guest)  

australian wii 2011/2/3 17:48
No, out of the box your Australian Wii will only output PAL video. Since Japan uses the NTSC video format for its tvs you will either need to use a tv that supports PAL, use a video converter to convert the signal, or softmod your wii and run homebrew software (which would allow you to output an NTSC signal). The cheapest is probably the softmod as the other methods can cost tens of thousands of yen if you don't already own the hardware. A softmod may also allow you to run Japan bought games as well.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

. 2011/2/3 21:26
Actually, yllwsmrf, you'll find the info you stated as incorrect. Your Wii will work, much like how importing a Japanese Wii will work on an Aussie TV!

Any LCD screen accepts both PAL & NTSC input. I would get the Wii chipped so you can play Japanese games on it, however!
by Paul (guest) rate this post as useful

Australian wii 2011/2/4 01:01
Multisystem pal/ntsc televisions may be common in Australia, but the reverse isn't true in Japan and not all new domestic model tvs natively support pal (my late model Sharp Aquos for example). I don't think it would be safe to expect a leopalace to provide a multisystem hdtv (but you never know, you may get lucky).

Also, as far as I can find out (I don't have a wii to confirm) the factory wii software doesn't allow you to switch between PAL and NTSC without softmodding. Can anyone confirm this, because if correct then it stands that you will either need to hack your console or find a pal compatible tv to use your wii.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

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