
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Kabuki Theater for March 2011/2/10 09:42
I am looking into buying tickets for Kabuki theater in March. I was wondering if anyone knows anything about any of the performances listed for March. The only one I know is The Tale of Genji, because I've read part of it and its pretty famous. We could just see that one, but does anyone have a suggestion besides Genji?

I've never been to Kabuki before, but we will probably only go to one of the shows, because I am the only one in my family who can speak Japanese. :P

by prnoct90  

english audioguides 2011/2/10 11:10
FYI, english audio guides are available for most performances. They cost 500 yen per rental, and were very helpful in understanding what was going on. In fact, they probably give the layperson a better understanding of the play than just listening to the dialogue alone.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Kabuki 2011/2/11 15:29
I don't speak Japanese yet watched 2 acts of the 47 Ronin and got most of what was going on as this is one of my favorite Japanese story..
by Red frog (guest) rate this post as useful

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