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Self employed work visa? 2011/2/11 11:18
Am I able to apply for a Work visa if I am self employed? Me and my boyfriend would like to move to japan and open our own bakery while I also do part-time vioce lessons/harp lessons and occasional performances (that's my job in Australia). Also, if we're on work visas are we allowed to have children in Japan before we become permanent residents, will our children be citizens of Japan if they're born there?

Thank you! ^^
by I have a couple of questions! (guest)  

self employed 2011/2/11 12:55
Unfortunately, being self employed will not qualify you for a work visa. You still have other options and may be able to open a bakery and live in Japan on a business visa. Its quite a bit more complicated however, and would be easier with a Japanese business partner.

As for your children, being born in Japan doesn't alone grant them citizenship. They would only become citizens in that case if they had a Japanese citizen as a parent.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

moving to Japan 2011/2/11 14:31
Of course people on work visas can have children in Japan- how do you think they would prevent it?- but as above, the children would not in any way be entitled to Japanese citizenship.

The only way to self-sponsor for a work visa is if you have been here at least a year already on a sponsored visa and can prove a full-time income to Immigration at the time of renewal.

Look into the Business Investor visa as mentioned above, but you should be aware that every street corner in Japanese cities has one or more bakeries, the competition would be fierce. Do either of you speak Japanese or know much about the laws and requirements involved in starting your own business here?
by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

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