Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Note that this thread has not been updated in a long time, and its content might not be up-to-date anymore.

About working visas for hostesses 2011/2/23 01:55
Hello all!
I know this has been a topic before but not in 2011 and things may change yearly about terms and the law. I also tried to look up on recent info online but no luck.
Anyway, I'm a 24/yo girl, not american, I'm from Europe, Hungary. I'm currently in Taipei right now on holiday and in march I'm flying over to Tokyo. I want to live there later on and was wondering about hostessing for a short time. So the question is, is it legal and what kind of visa does one need?
Please, I would only like answers from people who KNOW these and not only THINK this or that.
Excuse me being frank on the last part, and tank you in advance.
by Alice877  

.... 2011/2/23 02:38
You need Spouse visa, Child of Japanese, Long term resident, Permanent Resident, of Japanese Citizenship.

There is no visa for working at hostess club. I work at one now.

But if you work in a yakuza-owned one, you can work there illegally on tourist visa. I wouldnt suggest it though. You never know when immigration could be a sweep, and ban you for 5 years. Also, If ythey decide not to pay your wages, theres not much you can do because technically you arent supposed to be working. so you cant report them about non-payment to anyone. and if you do, I still wouldnt suggest it. Yakuza have contacts, you dont know what they are capable of, and I do.

Source: Worked in yakuza clubs and Legitimate clubs who only work girls with proper visa only. Also currently working hostess.
by Reina Jess rate this post as useful

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