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Japanese college money and jobs 2011/2/23 03:37
I'm 17 and finished high school just recently and My sat score is 2100 with Cumulative GPA of 3.87 I need to know what exams I would need to do in order to get into a Japanese college something like OU or waseda/sophia. I have 29 thousand dollars in my bank account and I should have more form my job by the beginning of next year. My Japanese is limited but I'm working on it which is why I'm holding off a bit to improve on my Japanese.

I just need suggestions and the informations necessary for me to get into a University.
The reason I have left this very vague is because I know next to nothing about it.
by Interactionwithme! (guest)  

What to do 2011/2/23 16:35
I would try applying to Temple University (gives you an american college degree that doubles as a japanese college degree) or Sophia University (where classes are primarily in english). Those are good choices if your Japanese is not up to par. Especially because for universities like Waseda their entrance exam is completely in Japanese. Both universities are based in Tokyo.

Although Japanese universities are highly competitive for foreigners, so be prepared. The only reason I never went to a university in Japan is because of money issues. Although there are loans available in the U.S. to use in overseas universities the interest rates are high. Most universities require proof of 30,000 dollars in your bank account to show you can me independent. But that's more for the japanese government's use to approve you for a student visa. There are VERY few grants and scholarships to study abroad, but try them anyways.

Also look at each school's website there are registration sections for 外国人. Although sometimes the sites do not have an english language option so you should use a site translator if your kanji isn't too good.

Hope this helped :]
by malissamarie rate this post as useful

School 2011/2/26 00:12
Hi! From my research, there is couple of options for you. I hope I can be some help.

If you hurry, you could apply for school that offer September entries. Traditionally, Japanese schools start in April. But there are number of schools that offer September entries, most of those schools offer courses in the English. They are:

International Christian University
Ritsumeikan APU

I think above schools that offer courses in english are all Liberal Arts degree programs (not sure). Doushisha just recently, I think this year, started courses offered in English.

If you would like to try going to a Japanese University with courses in Japanese, you would need to show some qualifications of the language. I think each school is different so visit the school's website, most universities have website in English also. If going to a Japanese University this way, you would probably be applying starting this summer for April 2012 entry.

This are just basic info, so I hope you will do some future research in looking for the right school for you. Good luck!
by nezumi (guest) rate this post as useful

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