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Bachelor's degree 2011/2/25 07:06
I have heard and read that, to be eligible for any kind of work visa in Japan, foreigner had to have a bachelor degree or equivalent.

Does that mean that I have to graduate University in my home country before being able to go to Japan?
Would obtaining a degree from a Japanese Uni or vocational school also be okay?

by Tatum  

... 2011/2/25 07:40
I have heard and read that, to be eligible for any kind of work visa in Japan, foreigner had to have a bachelor degree or equivalent.

That's not entirely true. In most cases a certain minimum number of professional experience is also sufficient. The number of years depends on the visa type, but is usually 3-10 years, I believe.
by Uji rate this post as useful

bachelor's degree 2011/2/25 11:19
Does that mean that I have to graduate University in my home country before being able to go to Japan?
Would obtaining a degree from a Japanese Uni or vocational school also be okay?

The equivalent bachelor's degree earned in Japan would also qualify you for a work visa. I'm not sure that vocational schools would meet that requirement however.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

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