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Bleach 2011/3/8 13:24
I notice there is kitchen bleach and bathroom bleach and bleach for clothes.

But are they all interchangable? For instance, can I just buy kitchen bleach and use it for bathroom purposes and cleaning clothes? Back home, we would buy Clorox bleach and use that as an all-purpose bleach. I just wonder if it is only simply the Japanese culture to nicely categorize everything so you buy the "proper" type of bleach, when in fact, it' not really necessary to do so (makes it too time consuming for me to shop for all the various types of bleach).

Thanks in advance for any clarification!
by MomotaroPeachBoy  

. 2011/3/8 18:45

There are all-purpose bleaches available. Just ask for "nani ni demo tsukaeru hyou-haku-zai" at your local drug store. But I often just use baking soda (juu-sou).
by Uco (guest) rate this post as useful

hmm 2011/3/8 18:47
I asked this same question about the interchangeability between the bleaches and I've been told they aren't.
If you wanna do some experimenting and post the results here that would be cool
by CocoIchibanMan (guest) rate this post as useful

kitchen bleach weaker? 2011/3/10 08:27
I am guessing that kitchen bleach (like Kitchen Haita?) is a lot less concentrated than bleach for clothes or the bathroom. I hope so anyway as no way would I want to be using something the same strength as I use to get rid of mould in the bathroom on surfaces that food is being prepared on.

I prefer the more natural kitchen cleaners anyway- ones made with vinegar or baking soda or orange oil etc- to me at least bleach is quite a nasty chemical and I try to use as little of it as possible anywhere in my house.
by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

bleaches 2011/3/10 12:39
bottles of bleach usually gives the concentration on the label. In Canada for example household bleach is 3% max and is meant to be diluted. I used it --it at all--in both the kitchen and the bathroom though, like Sira and AK, I prefer to use natural products.
At work we use industrial bleach that is at least 10% but we don't pour it in a pail or anything as this is too dangerous. We hook one end of a plastic tube to the 20 liters pail it comes in and the other end of the tube goes in a box that feeds bleach and laundry soap, softener etc. to big washing machines.
We use special computer cards that control the amount of chemicals going in the washers, depending on what we wash.
Anyway, these pails of industrial bleach aren't sold in supermarkets etc. and before my staff can open a pail and insert the feeding tube they must wear a big rubber apron, gloves, a hat, googles...

Long story short...Momotaropeachboy, you can use the kitchen bleach in the bathroom, and be very careful. The only real use for it would be if you have a baby and wash diapers yourself at home. .
by Monkey see (guest) rate this post as useful

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