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Working Holiday Visa to Spouse Visa 2011/3/9 05:52
My fiance and I are planning to get married soon. I am a Canadian in Japan on a working holiday visa. I was wondering after we get married and apply for a spouse/resident visa (non-dependant). Am I still allowed to work during the process?
by PTB (guest)  

yes you can still work 2011/3/9 11:15
you current status isnt invalidated, and the spouse status is only 'in application'. nothing has changed. you have to go back to eat a new stamp 1 or 2 months if you are approved.

by Reina Jess rate this post as useful

typo 2011/3/9 11:17
not eat a new stamp. but 'get.' lol. most smart people should be able to figure that out already without me needing to make this correction.,..
by Reina Jess rate this post as useful

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