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emergency situation 2011/3/14 19:39
in case of emergency(for example if nuclear radiation is coming,or the probability of 70% of a new huge earthquake will become true),can foreigners be obligated to come back in their countries???
i mean,i have visa,and i have a boyfriend and if something happen i would never and never live japan without him,and if it happen that i cannot contact with him how can i do from my country?
so if something happen i would b determined to stay here....but it would be possible or some people of the Immigration,or of my homecountry Embassy will make me come back in Europe??
by iris (guest)  

... 2011/3/14 21:25
can foreigners be obligated to come back in their countries?

Certainly not as long as you have a valid permission of stay!
by Uji rate this post as useful

no. 2011/3/14 21:47
are they paying for that because i certainly dont have the money for it.

nor do i have a place to live if i went back, so i doubt it. Besides, I have a nother year and 5 months to go on my lease. they might 'recommend' you get out of the way, but they cant 'force' anybody to do anything... If they start offering free trips, then I might take them up on the offer temporarily.
by Reina Jess rate this post as useful

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