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How to get to and live in Japan? 2011/3/16 11:26
I'm twenty years old,  I have a high school diploma, I'm a Canadian citizen, I work as a heavy equipment operator in a sawmill (lumber industry) and am competent in the Japanese language.  I would like to teach English but I believe a bachelors degree is necessary, although programs such as TESOL say they can certify people to work overseas and they list Japan as an available country.  What other options do I have?  Or do I absolutely need a college degree?  Thanks you so much!
by Taylor Vee  

Living and working in Japan 2011/3/16 13:43

This is a frequently asked question, so you really ought to take the time to read through similar questions and answers in the forum archives. In short, without a university degree, it is near impossible to get a working visa. However, as a Canadian citizen, you have the option of the Working Holiday Visa, which lets you live and work in Japan for one year without the need for qualifications such as a degree. I suggest you google for more details.
by Dave in Saitama (guest) rate this post as useful

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