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Should I go to Japan? 2011/3/17 22:35
I know Japan is faced with problems now especially the threat of nuclear radiation. I am currently enlisted under a student exchange program in Akita. The school says damage was not done in the prefecture and the school. I expected that the host school will be canceling the exchange programs but to my surprise, they simply postponed everything up to next month.

My school recommends I cancel but still maintains that I still have the liberty to still go.

Honestly, I still want to go. I've dreamt of this for a looonnnggg time already. But rationally, there is the risk of radiation thing.

I'm confused whether it will be worth the risk going there.

I need you help!

I've always treasured the opinions of the respondents here. I thank you guys in advance
by lastmockingbird  

... 2011/3/18 09:12
I know Japan is faced with problems now especially the threat of nuclear radiation.

No. The bigger problem are the ten thousands of lives and hundreds of thousands of homes lost along the coast of western Tohoku. The nuclear issue is secondary and currently under control - in relative terms. Unlikely to result in anything as devastating as the tsunami damage along the Tohoku coast.

Life in Akita - almost 300 km from the reactors - is steadily normalizing.
by Uji rate this post as useful

from tokyo 2011/3/19 09:30
uj is right.

im living in tokyo. akita is fur safer than here. from akita to the damaged power stations, you have to go beyond mountains more than 6000ft. height.

you would be more radiated in the plane to japan than in the one year life in akita.
by taka tsujii rate this post as useful

... 2011/3/19 10:12
akita is fur safer than here.

I doubt that Tokyo is unsafe.
by Uji rate this post as useful

distance 2011/3/19 12:43
I find it weird that they are worried about me when in fact Tokyo is nearer to Fukushima than Akita and yet they were not so pressured to those students going to exchange in Tokyo. T.T
by lastmockingbird rate this post as useful

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