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Passports problems 2011/3/18 01:28
I remembered something just now, and I'm wondering if I reacted in a bad manner, or was unlucky, or something...

It was sometime last year, while I was living in central Tokyo.
As I was walking to get home, a couple of police officers told me to stop, adn show them my passport and alien card. (Fortunately, my japanese was good enough to understand, even if not totally, what they wanted)

Problem is: I was in Japan as a tourist, and such didn't have alien card (well, not a problem), but, since I was only going to the conbini (approx. 1 minute walking from my appartment, I could see my window from the conbini door), I didn't think about bringing my bag and all my stuff, so I didn't have it...

So, I started to panick a little, and tried to explain that my passport was in my room, just in the building next to us, but they wouldn't hear me, and asked me to follow them to the koban...
Fortunately, the third policeman who was here while I had to fill some papers was a little bit more understanding, and offered to go to my appartment so I could show them my papers...
When I did, all 3 policers started apologizing like crazy for disturbing me that late, etc...

So in the end, I didn't have any real problem, but it was a bit unsettling, being questionned (quite rudely, I must say)...
After that, I never forgot to take my passport with me, even if it was just to walk 30 seconds to take my garbage out!

Have I been really stupid to leave my bad home?
Or just really unlucky?
Or is it quite common?
by Tatum  

... 2011/3/18 10:00
It was a combination of a minor act against law and a major, unlucky coincidence.
by Uji rate this post as useful

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