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Gyms for visitors to Kyoto for 2 weeks 2011/3/22 01:41
hi there,

does anyone know of a gym in kyoto a foreign visitor could use and pay on a daily rate basis? I'll be in Japan for 2 weeks in the summer and I thought it would be a good idea to continue to keep fit.

Thank you for your suggestions.

by preston79  

... 2011/3/22 15:48
Many gyms have visitor rates but some require that you come with a member.

Gold's Gym doesn't seem to have any conditions other than submission of an ID (passport) to use the facility.

It's 2,360 yen for up to 5 hours/day.


You can assume at least 3,000 yen for the cost of entry plus transportation if you have to take the train.

If you plan on going everyday, you might want to look into staying at a hotel with exercise facilities.
by kyototrans rate this post as useful

... 2011/3/23 01:55
thank you so much! I've checked it out online and it looks great! plus its alot cheaper too! and no tie into membership plus visitor rates...

Thank you again.
by preston79 rate this post as useful

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