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Yokohama black-outs? 2011/3/22 09:15

My boyfriend and I have been planning to move to Yokohama, specifically Yamate, for a few months now. We have been following the news of recent events and are wondering about whether the blackouts are taking effect still within this area?

I have already been through the various web pages available on this site, but it doesn't say much on specific areas within Yokohama.

Any information would be most helpful, thankyou!
by Loafers  

... 2011/3/22 10:28
by Po (guest) rate this post as useful

City website 2011/3/22 22:01

The address "Yamate-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama" was never within the sheduled blackout zone, still isn't and probably never will be. If you are considering other addresses within Yokohama, update yourself on the most reliable, specific and easy to view source which is the official website of the City of Yokohama.,eCR-JE,bF,h...,

Keep in mind that even if you are in the blackout zone/hour, that doesn't mean that power is always switched off. Many if not most zones/hours do not suffer blackout even if it's scheduled.

However, as far as "affects" are concerned, train schedules are often re-arranged due to blackouts at various points of Greater Tokyo. Update your train schedules when necessary.
by Uco, resident of Yokohama (guest) rate this post as useful

Many thanks! 2011/3/22 23:59
Although the first link sent by Po doesn't work, all the information you provided was most helpful - thankyou so much! I appreciate your time to help us out ^___^
by Loafers rate this post as useful

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