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Jobs on a Working Holiday Visa? 2011/4/14 00:11
I am moving to Tokyo,Japan in July. Hoping to get my Working Holiday Visa.
I took 2 Japanese language class but I still aint very good.

What kind of job would be best suited?
I dont have confidence to teach English unless it was at a daycare or with little kids maybe.
Thinking maybe be a nanny. Dont mind taking care of kids. :)

I need a job to help me get by working in Japan til I can do well with my language.

I am a hairdresser. Would a salon take me?

by MBabe89  

teaching 2011/4/14 08:27
Although your Japanese ability is very low bear in mind that most people who come to teach English in Japan have none or little Japanese ability and although it helps a lot when communicating with other staff etc. most schools will have you as an assistant with a Japanese teacher there during class and will want you to use only English (although this can vary). I would go for english teaching jobs as they are usually the easiest to get without Japanese ability and most do not require it- if they do they usually list it when advertising.
by J (guest) rate this post as useful

:) 2011/4/14 11:15
Thank you for your reply.

I dont really want to resort to teaching english because I do want to work on my Japanese but it might be a start to working in Japan. :)

Any places someone might recommend or companies to stay away from?
by MBabe89 rate this post as useful

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