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Volunteering in Japan? 2011/4/16 20:33
While I have searched for an answer to my question, I cannot find anything that corresponds to my country, so here goes...

I want to go to Japan, either to live or as a working holiday; however, I know how trapped I am right now with money and don't think I could handle living by myself, due to some mild yet annoying learning difficulties, and trying to support myself in a new country. I have looked up various options and a short term volunteer stay seems the most appropriate to me.

I live in the UK and I'm 23. I have worked for the British Trust of Conservation Volunteers (BTCV) for well over my stay of 250 hours and I need some new experience. I have volunteer experiences in environmental improvement and construction; however, I'd love to get something else under my belt and Japan is offering a lot just now. I could go for anything from arts to cultural studies to even learning how to teach (specifically English), maybe even farming! I'd go for anything physical or educational.

However, here comes the problem; I can't find an organisation that's willing to allow me to volunteer and provide me with housing and food that's under the UK. I've seen plenty for the US, but none for the UK at all. I need something that's affordable and offers a wide range of opportunities.

So, is there any way I can volunteer as a UK citizen for something relating to culture, environmental etc? All the research I do ends up relating me to a US organisation. Thanks for any help.
by Mogtaki  

WWOOF 2011/4/17 12:37
There are tons of different types of volunteering you can do with WWOOF Japan. You get a place to stay and meals, etc and get to learn all about Japanese culture. You can't get a long term visa, but you could do it for a few months if you are looking for something short term.
by butabakamuchi (guest) rate this post as useful

Thank you, but... 2011/4/18 02:13
While this is great information, after reading about it, it doesn't really support travel fees to get there, just the membership fee. I remember hearing of some places that do include travel with their usual fees, but I'm having trouble finding them.
by Mogtaki rate this post as useful

Yes 2011/4/18 06:53
you will have to pay for trip, as they say on they site: "its all about friendship and genuine experiences, not money" so...and remember to work for free, ok? haha all fat businessman will want you if you work for free, why? because they are so vice, see...
by Module (guest) rate this post as useful

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