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Cost of doing a masters degree in Japan 2011/4/23 22:38
Hi, I am thinking of pursuing an Economics masters degree in Japan in the near future (am 23 years old now). So, I plan to save for the next 4 years or so. I have done some research on the internet and found that some universities actually offer english tracks for their economics masters degree course, hence I am keen. I did the sums for tuition fees etc, but am shocked to find that the estimated living expenses per month is about 155000-158000 yen per month. That almost amounts to my total tuition fees! Can anyone advise on the living expenses? Is it really so high? How much do you think I need to save before I can go to Japan to further my education? (I'm from Singapore).

Would an amount say 3 million yen be suffficent for me to live and study in japan comfortably for a 2-year course? Thanks!
by mochi (guest)  

very tight. 2011/4/24 10:19
i thik those living cost estimates are very realistic so 3 million yen is not going to be enough.

it might just be possible if you live at university housing, never go out, and exist on nothing but bread but even then it would be very tight and you would be truly miserable.
by rick (guest) rate this post as useful

... 2011/4/24 21:08
Living expenses in Tokyo is no different from London or Singapore or Seoul. Assume you have no friends/relatives. *Deduct total budget 3M for your grad school tuition, what remains will be expenses.

Accommodation costs depend on what you are accustomed, and willing to settle in terms of space size, location, age of building, type of rooms, other residents in same building. I've stayed in these cities, and costs in Tokyo can be economical e.g., Cost of Living Survey from Mercer if you live as locals, not expats.

After *, weigh your priorities, and remaining costs depends on your expectations.
1. Residence and utilities costs: depends on location radius to the Metro or transit station and if rent includes heat and cooling, appliances or unfurnished.
2. Grocery costs: e.g., 500g Kobe beef price will vary from store to store
3. Transportation costs: depends on mode-car/ bus/train-local or shinkasen /bike or walk
4. Leisure costs: up to you

Living costs in Tokyo is no different than any other city yet Tokyo is a higher livable community, sustainable cities. Tokyoites on the streets are warmer, friendlier and helpful than a neighbor in Singapore or London. Public safety assured by the many eyes provide considerable security compared to Boston or London. Public Services: water quality is highly recommended, safer,less radiated than Newater. Air Quality is less noticeable sulfured than Seoul and London.

Sprawl in Tokyo is maintained by high density, yet low and medium-rise patterns making Tokyo a preferred city for business/financial/trading services. Tokyo has a sense of renewal compared to decayed, dying urban infrastructures found over North America (according to Jane Jacobs).

Unlike residents in other metros, I have discovered that personal space of most Japanese persons are smaller, allowing for relationship building and space for growth. I would recommend Tokyo for grad and post grads. Conclusively, Tokyo would be within your budget if you keep expenses low- and it is doable at 3M!
by Donaldl rate this post as useful

Thanks! 2011/4/25 00:04
Thanks for the responses! sigh...i hope i can get a scholarship when i apply to the university! The living costs are simply too high for me. In singapore, I can get by by less than a quarter of the estimated costs (am living with my parents). But thanks Donaldl for your very detailed and optimistic response! :) Yes I would really love to study in Japan, simply because I love the culture and the people, and also the beauty of the country. However, I do have a slight problem..I am quite a picky eater..I don't eat sushi! oops :X

Thanks guys for the responses. I really appreciate it. Do let me know if you have any good and affordable Economics Graduate Schools in Japan! ^^
by mochi (guest) rate this post as useful

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