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dual citizenship 2011/5/10 11:47
I am a half filipina and half japanese, but i just want to stay in the philippines and just visit japan atleast once a year, but somebody told me if i apply for dual citizenship it will be non sense because i am turning 18 by june. what should i do? thanks
by MikaMotegi (guest)  

Citizenship. 2011/5/10 13:17
Officially Japan doesn't recognize dual citizenship. By the age of 22 you have to choose to keep your Japanese citizen only or keep your other citizenship.....
by Monkey see (guest) rate this post as useful

are there no other option/s? 2011/5/10 13:51
somebody told me i can have to citizenship as long as i renew my passport. so evertime i go to japan, i will let the immigration see my japanees and everytime ill go back to the i will let them see my philippine passport. is that possible?
by MikaMotegi (guest) rate this post as useful

Search the forum 2011/5/10 15:56
There are many threads on this, just search for dual citizenship, two passports, or some variation on that.
by Tilt (guest) rate this post as useful

. 2011/5/10 16:07
somebody told me i can have to citizenship as long as i renew my passport.

You don't have to renew your passport to keep your Japanese citizenship but you need citizenship to get a passport. If you plan to come to Japan every year then of course you need to renew the passport.

so evertime i go to japan, i will let the immigration see my japanees and everytime ill go back to the i will let them see my philippine passport. is that possible?

Yes, show your JPN passport in Japan and your PHIL passport in the Philippines.
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

sorry for much question. 2011/5/10 16:39
right now i am holding japanese passport. so if i am going to have dual which is japanese passport and philippine passport that means i can stay long time in the philippines without losing my japanese citizenship?
by MikaMotegi (guest) rate this post as useful

. 2011/5/10 18:01
I suggest you read other threads on this forum about it but basically yes, under the current laws and policies you can keep your Japanese citizenship permanently just by doing nothing.
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

. 2011/5/10 22:57
Like Monkey see said, the Japanese government doesn't recognize dual citizenship. So, all those advices about having two passprts are done under the agreement of "as long as you don't get caught". Please remember once you got caught, you are risking losing your Japanese citizenship.
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

. 2011/5/11 12:05
So, all those advices about having two passprts are done under the agreement of "as long as you don't get caught". Please remember once you got caught, you are risking losing your Japanese citizenship.

Many dual citizens have been "caught" yet none of them had their citizenship taken away. You might be confusing dual citizens with former Japanese citizens.

It's true that the Minister of Justice can take away a dual citizen's citizenship, however, their policy for the past 25 years have been not to do that. So until the law changes there will always be a possiblity that you'll be the first ever dual citizen to lose their citizenship involuntarily... but those chances are very low, imo.
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

. 2011/5/11 22:44
OP is a Japanese citizen at this moment. She could be a former Japanese depeding on what will happen.
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

dueling dots 2011/5/12 16:39
OP is a Japanese citizen at this moment. She could be a former Japanese depeding on what will happen.

Lets not get overly dramatic here. The chances of having your Japanese citizenship stripped of you are slim. And there are ways to avoid losing it even if you are caught by Japanese immigration.

Realistically, the main mechanism for you to lose your Japanese citizenship is for you choose to give it up.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

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