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Which part of Japan? Jobs 2011/5/27 05:57
Hey there!
I'm moving to Japan in a couple of months time for a working holiday for a year (and hopefully longer if i can get sponsored near the end) and have concerns about getting a job. My concern is the amount of jobs available in terms of location. I have noticed (understandably) that a large proportion of English teaching jobs are located in and around Tokyo when looking through listings. While I don't dislike Tokyo, it's not my first choice in where i would like to live (somewhere semi rural or a smaller city is more my scene) however i have concerns about finding a job in other places based on the job adverts i've seen. I'm wondering whether i should choose an area i like then move and look for a job there, or compromise and live closer to Tokyo in hopes of a greater chance of finding a job. I'm basically worried about moving, not being able to find a job and having to come home after a couple of months... Could someone give me some advice on which would be best? Many thanks :-)
by Zengarden (guest)  

Tourist places? 2011/5/28 00:14
I'm assuming you know your Japanese, yes? Whatabout working in a place where they need an English speaker for the tourists? Maybe even magazine translators or adverts?

There's many jobs out there everywhere for people who can speak English, so you shouldn't need to worry too much about trying to find a job. You'd be surprised at how badly translated some things are.

All depends though! What exactly are you looking for? They like English speakers in restaurants for the tourists, as well.
by Mogtaki rate this post as useful

jobs 2011/5/28 00:49
lots of jobs in tohoku right now (seriously) because just about every gaijin fled the place after the quake. never been a better time to come to japan if you're a foreigner - the whole place emptied out of gaijins, those who left without permission from their workplace got fired - unfortunately for those employers there have not been enough replacements just yet.

other good areas may include kyushu and shikoku but the requirements may be stricter there as far as visa stuff is concerned.
by winterwolf rate this post as useful

true 2011/5/28 06:35
That's a point, I hadn't really thought about other types of work other than teaching since it's usually the easiest type of work to get (so i've read). I do have Japanese ability (passed JLPT lvl 2, going for lvl 1 soon) so those jobs would be open to me too- thanks for that, obvious but slipped my mind!

Yeah i had read about the fleeing foreigners and they're (as well as other people's) reluctance to return/go to Japan leaving more jobs open. I had planned on going up to Tohoku to help out in my spare time even if I wasn't living there but as you say it's an area where less people are likely to go now and is worth looking at.

As for job type, i'm not too picky- I have a few things that give me an advantage when applying for teaching (TEFL, some tutoring experience) but any type of job would be fine- my main concern is not finding one and having to go home due to lack of money. I guess there will be several publications with local job listings wherever i go, so hopefully i'll be fine! Thanks for the advice so far :-)
by Zengarden (guest) rate this post as useful

edit 2011/5/28 06:57
Sorry, meant "...foreigners and their..." not "they're" :P
by Zengarden (guest) rate this post as useful

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