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Space bag Tokyo, shibuya 2011/5/30 15:12
Hi guys any one know where I can get some space bags or vaccume seal bags, the one that u can suck out the air to make more space!!?

In urgent need.!
by confusion101  

maybe Tokyu Hands 2011/5/31 03:33

I'm not 100 percent sure they will carry the space saving vacuum bags you are looking for, but have you tried Tokyu Hands? Info for the Shibuya store is here http://shibuya.tokyu-hands.co.jp/en/index.html

Also, I'm sure what is called a 'home center' type store will have them, but these kind of stores are not typically located in city centers
by Kazuyuki78 rate this post as useful

Anywhere? 2011/5/31 23:59
I'll try but if not anywhere around Tokyo???
by confusion101 rate this post as useful

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