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Graphic Design in Japan 2011/5/31 20:16
Hi all
I am a teacher married to a graphic designer. Although neither of us speak Japanese we both wish to live in Japan, having visted numerous times.
Are there any jobs for foreigners in the Graphic Design field (with little/no Japanese)? He has over 14 years' experience and a degree in Graphic Design.

by Kaybe  

To Japan 2011/6/1 14:22
There is a huge difference between visiting a country for a short while and making a full time living there.

Anyone wanting to live in a country, any country, MUST know the language of that country in order to first survive then thrive.

You don't have to be fluent at first but the faster you improve your language skills , the better the chances to get a job...especially in Japan where, unlike North America for example, few people have ancestors that came as immigrants only a couple of generations ago. .

If you were sent to Japan by a company in your home country , that would allow you to work in English, you would have a better chance..still, because Japanese is so different from Roman alphabet languages, you would have to learn Japanese fairly quickly ..

Because of the cultural difference in each job, unless your husband was world famous and in demand he would be less appealing to a Japanese company than a local person.

I came to North America with skills and experience in designing houses and supervising their construction....but because building practices in North America were so different from those in Europe I couldn't get job....luckily for me I could read and write English and French and North Americans are used to immigrants...still it took me 10 hard years before I could get a decent job.

Some of my staff, with a better education and technical skills than me but very poor English language skills, had to be content with menials jobs... None of us, including several of my managers, were able to practice the skilled jobs we had learned in our respective birth countries.
by Red frog (guest) rate this post as useful

... 2011/6/1 18:03
The problem with working for a graphic design agency in Japan is that many of your clients will require Japanese skills both for communication with them and perhaps in the actual design.
However, it is becoming increasingly possible to work via the internet. Has your partner thought about setting up his own graphic design service? He can then have a client base that is not limited to Japan but rather anywhere in the world.
I don't think you MUST know the language, most people learn through living here.
by gilesdesign (guest) rate this post as useful

... 2011/6/2 10:50
The problem with setting up your own business is the visa to live in Japan (I assume that's what you want). He would need to be employed by a company in Japan full-time (under the employer's visa sponsorship), or need to be employed by a US company who sends you to its Japan office, to be eligible for a work visa.
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

Thank you 2011/6/2 18:18
Thanks all for your thoughts. Unfortunately you confirmed what I already thought, but I thought I might as well ask in case there was some way it was possible.

Obviously teaching English might be a better way to go.
by Kaybe rate this post as useful

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