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Work Visa with an Associate's Degree? 2011/6/18 08:16
I'm sort of confused over this I know it's up to the Embassy to pass your workers visa but is it possible they could with only an associates degree? If no then I'm assuming a bachelor's degree or a great amount of time in a specific field of work would permit you to obtain a work visa. Also, if no then could you do it with TEFL certification or something like that Celta, Toefl, Etc. and an Associate's degree? Let me Know.
by mr1niko  

... 2011/6/19 03:32
Details depend on the type of work visa, but usually a bachelor's degree (or equivalent) or extensive work experience in the field are required. An associate degree is not enough.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Uji 2011/6/19 07:14
Thank Uji but im still unsure though you say you need a bachelors degree i've heard of other people who have only an associates degree and were able to get a work visa to teach English in Japan. Though that may be because they said that they were going to finish their schooling in Japan possibly. Im not sure
by mr1niko rate this post as useful

? 2011/6/28 05:12
any one have a response to this?
by mr1niko rate this post as useful

an associates degree is not enough 2011/6/28 07:28
As Uji said, an associates degree does not meet the requirements for a work visa. People could still qualify in other ways for a work visa (extensive work experience for example), or obtain a different visa type that allows work (student visa perhaps for the people you mentioned).
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Maybe 2011/6/28 10:14
It is possible with a company that will back you. I know several people here who have only 1-3 years work experience, no degree, and have gotten working visas. They seem to have gotten less strict in the past few years.

However, you risk being rejected and will undoubtedly have a much harder time obtaining one.
by Arbel rate this post as useful

... 2011/6/28 12:54
The person who said he could get a work visa and teach English with an associate degree possibly "may" have been from a country where Working Holiday Visa was available - then on the merit of that one year's teaching experience (or some additional experience elsewhere), if the employer REALLY wanted to continue to hire him, they might have sponsored him for a visa.
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

It's possible, but difficult. 2011/6/28 16:59
It is possible with an Associate's degree to get a work visa, but it has to come from a company who will sponsor you. My current work hired me with only an associate's because I had extensive experience in Hotel Customer Service and was JLPT level 2. Make sure that you have at least something else to offer if not a four year degree.
by Chinoda (guest) rate this post as useful

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