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going to osaka in august 2011/8/3 01:47
its my 1st time travel to osaka with my daughter. Is the food suitable for toddler?
by duckmoo (guest)  

Well 2011/8/3 15:42
Well, there are foods that toddlers can eat and foods that they cant eat. Japan has toddlers, as well, so of course you can find food for little kids.
by User Guest (guest) rate this post as useful

toddlers 2011/8/3 16:13
Is the food suitable for toddler?

It depends on where you go and what your toddler eats. Most restaurants, especially chain family restaurants, will have children's sets or even entire children's menus. Hotels and ryokan that include meals also offer smaller portions for kids and toddlers (often at reduced prices as well), or no meal options if your kid doesn't require their own meal.

The only places that you may run into trouble are fancy restaurants that are not really set up for children, but even most of those will offer some sort of child's plate.

Or are you primarily concerned about radiation? If that's the case, Osaka is quite far from the affected zones, and restaurants are taking pains to avoid sourcing unsafe food. Some even list on the menu where particular ingredients come from.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

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