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Will I be Allowed to Bring my Xanax to Japan? 2011/11/7 14:12
Hello all!

This forum has been nothing but helpful to me while I plan my upcoming trip to Japan. This will be my first time visiting Japan, and I am trying to work out all the last minute kinks. My current question revolves around a prescription that I take every day. I currently take 1/2 a .25mg (smallest dose available) of a Xanax tablet every day. I have been taking this medication, at this dose, for 10 years. I take it for "generalized anxiety". In reality, I have a heart condition that causes blood buildup in my mitral valve. The build up periodically gets flushed and makes my heart beat very sluggishly, makes me dizzy, I get very warm with a harder time breathing and I get a feeling that I am going to faint. It's very scary, and I never know when it is going to hit.
Soooo, I don't take this medication just for fun, or because I feel like I need it. I really do, and the last time I didn't have it, my breathing changed and I flat out passed out due to (Involuntary) hyperventilating. After looking around online, I see that there has been some debate as to whether Americans can take their prescriptions into Japan. This will be my honeymoon, and I would like it to go smoothly. Not bringing it with me is not an option. I have been taking it so long that I run the risk of having a seizure if I stop. Plus, who wants to be passing out on their honeymoon? I am hoping that I will just be able to get a prescription form stating that I take it, and why from my doctor, and everything will be fine. Problem is, the embassy website says certain controlled medications are not allowed. Xanax is not technically a narcotic, but it is a controlled substance. Has anyone here been through this, or has any knowledge of regulations for bringing it in? I know it is very commonly used for fear of flying, so I hope someone has an idea. I will be bringing in a one month's supply.

Domo arigatou gozaimasu!
by AmberWestbr (guest)  

Re: Not a doctor, but as far as I can look up: 2011/11/7 14:50
The active ingredient' name is Alprazolam, and it is manufactured and sold in Japan (of course under different brand names). So as far as I can see, the substance is not prohibited.

When it comes to bringing in your own supply of prescription drug for personal use, one-month supply, particularly with doctor's papers/prescription to be sure, is allowed.

I would advise you to bring your doctor's diagnosis in writing "just in case" you need to consult a doctor while in Japan. Rest up well before you travel, and enjoy your visit to Japan :)
by AK (guest) rate this post as useful

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