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Finding concerts with traditional instruments 2011/11/10 07:35
I'd be interested to go in a concert while in Japan during 18th to 29th of November, mostly I'm in Kyoto and Tokyo areas with 2 days in Nara.

My question is how to best find any that are taking place during your stay? It can be a big one with famous performers or just competent noname locals.

I'm interested in the traditional instruments (esp. shamisen and taiko drums). Could be traditional or modern in style.

Or why not enka. Do they hold good events for that or is it best found just in Kouhaku uta gassen and your local bars?
by Shukubo  

Re: Finding concerts with traditional instruments 2011/11/15 13:04

Probably one of the best ways to find those events is to ask a concierge or tourist information center for concerts or to ask them where traditional instrument stores are.

The stores usually know best about what concerts, large and small are held. Plus, you may be able to enjoy looking at instruments at the store and perhaps buy a tool or two.
by Uco (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Finding concerts with traditional instruments 2011/11/19 18:51
There's a shamisen concert tomorrow at the Pink Cow. It's a dinner concert, but other than ordering dinner there's no separate admission.

by Umami Dearest rate this post as useful

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