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Glass bottled milk near Shinjuku 2011/11/13 21:06
Hi everyone, will be making a trip to Japan next month. In my previous trip, I stayed near ikebukuro station where there was a stall selling glass-bottled fresh hokkaido milk every morning. As i will be staying near shinjuku this time round, may I know if there's a similar stall nearby? I would only like the glass-bottled milk as I want to keep the bottle as a souvenir. Thanks in advance.
by Shiroi Koibito  

Re: Glass bottled milk near Shinjuku 2011/11/14 19:05
a stall selling glass-bottled fresh hokkaido milk
It's like this?
(Sorry, this is at Akihabara station)
by ajapanese (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Glass bottled milk near Shinjuku 2011/11/15 05:00
yup. is there a store like this in shinjuku?
by Shiroi Koibito rate this post as useful

Re: Glass bottled milk near Shinjuku 2011/11/18 00:37
guess there isnt. i'll have to wake up early to travel to ikebukuro then x.x
by Shiroi Koibito rate this post as useful

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