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eating in hakone 2011/11/20 22:03
does anyone know about eating out at hakone recently because the discussion about this took place in 2005. Hope to hear that there are more places to eat at hakone.
by cvhms  

Re: eating in hakone 2011/11/21 04:52
The situation has not changed since 2005. During the day you have a many tourist restaurants, but in the evening tourists eat at their ryokan and hotels rather than in town, which means that there is no demand for most restaurants to remain open beyond 6pm.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Re: eating in hakone 2011/11/25 01:13
I'm Japanese

I recommend this place


but , the web site is only for Japanese .
hope it could help you
by pooh (guest) rate this post as useful

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