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Anyone know the kamon for Ueno? 2012/1/7 07:35
Anyone know the kamon for Ueno?
by jrb_dakine (guest)  

Re: Anyone know the kamon for Ueno? 2012/1/7 09:37
Fo reference, I googled.
It's said that a kamon called Ueno-Botan is for the Ueno family at 169-18 in this list.
Sorry, I can't assure...
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

Re: Anyone know the kamon for Ueno? 2012/1/7 10:50
"Ueno-Botan is for the Ueno family"

It doesn't say that anywhere in the link you provided. It simply states that the Kamon 169-18 is called Ueno-Botan.

There are thousands of Ueno families, so one can not say which kamon a particular Ueno family has without knowing more about the Ueno Family in question.
by Tokyonet (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Anyone know the kamon for Ueno? 2012/1/7 22:01
Sorry, I omitted link to authority page.
Kamon list
上野牡丹(うえのぼたん) - 上野氏
Ueno-Botan - the Ueno family

But it was too easygoing way of thinking.
It's not so simple as Tokyonet syas.
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

Re: Anyone know the kamon for Ueno? 2012/3/10 11:17
Thank You for your help. I contacted an Aunt in Japan and was able to find out exactly which is our family Kamon for Ueno. It is,
"Maru ni mitsu kashiwa", or "Circle of three oak leaves"
by jrb_dakine (guest) rate this post as useful

Re:  "Three oak leaves in a circle" 2012/3/11 18:32
If it's "maru ni mitsu kashiwa," then it is the second from the left on the top line:

The first one is 三つ柏 "mitsu kashiwa" (just the three leaves) and yours is "maru ni... " ("in a circle"), the second one 丸に三つ柏.
by AK (guest) rate this post as useful

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