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Cooking classes? 2012/1/13 17:54
Hi. I'm looking for one-day cooking classes for my next holiday to Japan. Preferably in Tokyo or Kyoto. Sushi classes would be great.
It's difficult to find anything online. So I'm trying my luck here.
by Olve  

Re: Cooking classes? 2012/1/13 19:40
I saw a few cooking classes conducted in Tokyo, close to the stations- Online you have to look under specific organizations that offers such classes-not a random search.

Normally an organization does not recommend another.
by Donaldl rate this post as useful

Re: Cooking classes? 2012/1/13 20:03
Yes. I have received flyers previously in Japan - so I know they're there. I just can't find the links...
by Olve rate this post as useful

Re: Cooking classes? 2012/1/13 22:31
If going to Kyoto, try WAK (Women's Association Kyoto). They have classes in cooking and lots of other things.

If going to Tokyo, try anything on Sunnypages
by MN (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Cooking classes? 2012/1/15 14:47
How about this? It's in Tokyo and conduct one-day lesson. Hope it helps:)

Enjoy cooking!
by jj (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Cooking classes? 2012/1/17 17:25
Thanks. I've found most of these myself on Google. And lots of the most interesting links on the one site are broken - unfortunately.
by Olve rate this post as useful

Re: Cooking classes? 2012/2/4 13:35
Elizabeth Andoh teaches the best cooking classes. I have been to several and have learned a lot from her.

Tell her Yukari sent you.
by YukariSakamoto rate this post as useful

Re: Cooking classes? 2012/2/4 16:18
Maybe Elizabeth Andoh used to offer more cooking classes, but they seem to be pretty rare now. For example there's nothing at all on the calendar in Tokyo right now.
by Umami Dearest (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Cooking classes? 2012/2/6 22:37
Hi !! I teach Authentic Japanese cuisine in my kitchen.There is Nara where it takes for 1 hour from Kyoto station.

If you're interested in,please check it out.

Hope to see you.

by Nara Cookery School HANEZU (guest) rate this post as useful

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