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What does onna ne tak san kawaii mean? 2012/3/11 12:09
What does onna ne tak san kawaii mean? I know that onna means woman, and kawaii means cute, so does it mean woman you're cute?
by Alex (guest)  

Re: What does onna ne tak san kawaii mean? 2012/3/11 15:15
It doesn't sound like natural Japanese, though.
Unless "tak san" is a name, it says "You are a woman, very cute." ("takusan" means "a lot" in quantity. So I'm assuming someone used it wrongly to mean "very.")
by AK (guest) rate this post as useful

Doesn't make sense 2012/3/11 17:11
The "ne" doesn't fit in at all.
by Uco (guest) rate this post as useful

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