Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Isuzu not Gojusuzu 2012/3/13 09:38
Can anyone explain why ܏ is Isuzu? Is "i" used elsewhere for 50? Is it related to itsutsu? Or is it just old and irregular like Yamato/Daiwa and Tsuitachi?
by Shimada Jiei  

Re: Isuzu not Gojusuzu 2012/3/13 13:11
܏ used to be pronounced 'iso'.
It's one of the old counting system.
Most likely it was contracted from 'iso+suzu' to 'isuzu'.

FYI, O is miso (OH misoji), and l yoso (lH yosoji), meaning 30s, 40s (age).

by . (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Isuzu not Gojusuzu 2012/3/13 21:22
Fascinating! Thanks so much!

Say, while we're here, do you also have explanations for a (Yamato) and (tsuitachi)?
by Shimada Jiei rate this post as useful

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