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How do I write Steven vertically? 2012/3/13 14:51
I am looking to figure out how to write the name Steven.. in katakana.. but vertically. I see how to write it horizontally. but I do know that it does change a little when flipped vertically. Any help is great! スティーブン
by James (guest)  

Re: How do I write Steven vertically? 2012/3/13 21:51

Be sure to turn the "long bar" vertically as shown above. Also the small イ should be located a bit to the right (something I cannot quite replicate here).
by AK (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How do I write Steven vertically? 2012/3/13 22:45
by James (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How do I write Steven vertically? 2012/3/13 22:47
Right. The layout should be this way, though this one is for "Steve," and uses ヴ ("vu") instead of ブ ("bu").
by AK (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How do I write Steven vertically? 2012/3/13 22:56
So I should use the (bu) or (vu) for steven? Just wondering.. want to get it right! :D
The way you wrote it?
or the way the link did it?
by James (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How do I write Steven vertically? 2012/3/14 07:55
Either way is fine. I just gave you a vertical version of your initial horizontal writing. Using "b" for "v" sound has been the traditional way (as there is no "v" sound in Japanese pronunciation), but lately the katakana writing using "v" is used often to express the original sound more faithfully.

If I google スティーヴン I get 8.3 million hits, and スティーブン gets me 11.4 million. Famous persons' names such as Steven King, Steven Spielberg, etc. have been written both ways too...
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: How do I write Steven vertically? 2012/3/15 16:32
You can either write


by ryo2jokerz rate this post as useful

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