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Quick and Easy Translation for a Song Lyric? 2012/3/14 06:29
I am trying to write a song in Japanese.
To say, he is not an utau, would be UTAU dewa arimasen, right?
Then, how do you say, He has no voice, but I love him anyways?

:) I know limited Japanese.
Thank you!!
by Ruri Kobaruto (guest)  

Re: Quick and Easy Translation for a Song Lyric? 2012/3/14 10:09
Do you want to say "he is not an utau"?
"utau" is a verb "to sing," so it is out of place...

Also what kind of tone (casual, polite, female/male, etc.) do you want?
That really changes the whole sentece...

He has no voice, you mean his voice lacks volume, or he cannot sing?
by AK (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Quick and Easy Translation for a Song Lyric? 2012/3/15 07:19
UTAU is a thing similar to vocaloid. The song is from a girl to a boy. The boy has no voice what so ever, so he cannot speak. If it helps you, his name is Sosuke. I really need help with this! I don't know much japanese yet. -.-"

Watashi wa baka desu...

Thank you very much!
by Ruri Kobaruto (guest) rate this post as useful

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