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Peanut, Peanut Oil allergy translation 2012/3/19 11:02

Am planning on visiting Japan in a few months. I am allergic to nuts, peanuts and peanut oil very very deathly and although it is uncommon in Japanese food, I will bring along a card to show the people if it is okay to eat due to allergies. I don't really trust Google translate, so could someone fluent in Japanese please help translate the following exact into Japanese hiragana/katakana and also romanji. I know beginner's japanese and don't trust my own language translation either..

1. I am allergic to nuts, peanuts, peanut oil etc. Is this safe to eat? (For ordering meals)

2. Does this contain nuts, peanuts, peanut oil etc? (For asking ingredients as supermarket etc)

3. I will die if I eat these ingredients. OR.. I will die if I eat nuts, peanuts or peanut oil.

I know this will be very useful for myself and many others. Domo Arigatou Gozaimasu! Thank you so much. All help would be appreciated.

by krazed15  

Re: Peanut, Peanut Oil allergy translation 2012/3/19 14:07
1. I am allergic to nuts, peanuts, peanut oil etc. Is this safe to eat? (For ordering meals)
Japanese: 私はピーナッツや豆類、ピーナッツオイル等にアレルギーがあります。この料理はたべても大丈夫ですか?
Romanji: Watashi wa peanuts(same as English) ya mamerui, peanuts oirutou ni arerugi ga arimasu. Kono ryouri wa tabetemo dai-jyou-bu desuka?

2. Does this contain nuts, peanuts, peanut oil etc? (For asking ingredients as supermarket etc)
Japanese: これにはピーナッツや豆類、ピーナッツオイル等は入ってますか?
Romanji: Kore ni wa peanuts(same as English) ya mamerui, peanuts oirutou wa haitte masuka?

3. I will die if I eat these ingredients. OR.. I will die if I eat nuts, peanuts or peanut oil.
Japanese: これらの成分や原材料またはピーナッツや豆類、ピーナッツオイル等を食べると深刻な状態になります。
Romanji: Korera no seibun ya genzairyou mata wa peanuts(same as English) ya mamerui, peanuts oirutou wo taberu to sinkoku na jyoutai ni narimasu.

About question 3 translation does not say about you dying but say you will have serious trouble.

Hope have a great time in Japan

PS If you have any question you can ask me directly
by ryo2jokerz rate this post as useful

Re: Peanut, Peanut Oil allergy translation 2012/3/19 17:50

The other poster thinks you are allergic to beans (豆類) as well and is preventing you from eating all soy products in whic the majority of Japanese cuisine consists of, while not mentioning that you are allergic to nuts (ナッツ).

Rather than to rely on anonymous internet users like me, you need to find a reliable doctor or hotel conceirge to have your card translated.

Good luck and Bon Appetite!
by Uco (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Peanut, Peanut Oil allergy translation 2012/3/19 18:24
Oh, excuse me.
Nuts should be 木の実(kinomi)?

by ryo2jokerz rate this post as useful

Re: Peanut, Peanut Oil allergy translation 2012/3/20 01:27
Nut allergy = ナッツアレルギー
nattsu alelugi
by B (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Peanut, Peanut Oil allergy translation 2012/3/20 05:23
I suppose it's better to state in brief that your allergy can be lethal and to state in details what you are allergic to.

Hearing an English word "allergy," not all people think that it may cause a fetal result. The same applies to a Japanese counterpart. I assume here are not many people in Japan who know of anaphylactic shock, which can make the person dead.

It may take a long time to judge whether a food product may include an allergic ingredient coming from a certain food material. I suppose it's better to ask in advance some major food suppliers who know much about food allergy and to choose among well-controlled food products, rather than relying on limited knowledge of cooks in small restaurants. And, I suppose it's worth considering carrying preserved-food products (unless they are under embargoes) which have been conformed OK for you.

In Japan, peanut is among the 7 food materials regarding each of which it's mandatory for a food supplier to indicate when used as a raw material. Walnut is among the 18 food materials regarding which the indication is recommended but may be omitted. I find no other nut among the 25 materials. If you are allergic to an ingredient of another nut, you have to check in advance.

アレルギー is the most common Japanese word for "allergy." (An accent is on the second vowel [e], which is a part of レ . The last consonant is not the one for J of Japan but the one for G of Greek. The last vowel is long.)
Probably "peanuts" and "nuts" can make sense when written in a plural form. (Romaji-only writing has a risk of being misunderstood.)

Some problems to note:
# What belongs to nuts depends on persons.
# Many nuts have Japanese names (e.g. rakkasei for peanut, kurumi for walnut) and some of them may be not common.
# It's not always clear whether an allergic ingredient may have been mixed not in a raw material but for another reason.

Major fast food supplier chains McDonald's Japan and Kentucky Fried Chicken Japan seem to be caring much about food allergy. Their charts regarding allergic food materials imply that they have considered possible mixings.

Also major retailer chains which have original brands of foods and daily necessities, such as a supermarket chain AEON and convenience store chains LAWSON and Seven-Eleven Japan, seem to be caring much for the safety of their food products.

Each of the five companies mentioned above has an HTTPS inquiry form on its website, though written in Japanese. (At least as to these five, I guess you can ask and be answered in English as long as you clarify your name, your e-mail address, etc.) If you may use shops of such chains for food products, it's worth trying to ask them, I suppose.

by omotenashi rate this post as useful

Re: Peanut, Peanut Oil allergy translation 2012/3/20 15:58

Nuts are ナッツ
by Uco (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Peanut, Peanut Oil allergy translation 2012/3/21 10:02
ナッツ is not Japanese.
What is ナッツ exactly? There in no food called ナッツ in Japan.
by ryo2jokerz rate this post as useful

ナッツ 2012/3/21 21:32
by Uco (guest) rate this post as useful

ナッツの画像 2012/3/21 21:36

This is for reference, too. Anyway, I just hope you realize we may be dealing with a matter of life and death on this particular thread.
by Uco (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Peanut, Peanut Oil allergy translation 2012/3/22 01:02
In absolutely no way should you be getting this content translated on a public forum by anonymous sources.

As a professional translator in the industry for over 15 years, I was so shocked I just had to comment.

Use a professional translation service with quality control systems in place to prevent any mistakes that could end up with you DEAD.

I have seen this type of request often as an official project but NEVER have I seen this subject treated so casually.

There are many translations services in Japan and other countries. You seriously should pay to ensure you get exactly what you need.
by kyototrans rate this post as useful

Re: Peanut, Peanut Oil allergy translation 2012/3/22 08:24
Thank you for everyone's input. I agree that professional input would be best, but having looked at a few options I don't see it would be worthwhile spending decent money to have three sentences translated for the same price of having a essay or page translated.

I also know some Japanese myself although not to well, but I do understand particles and sentence structure. I was simply looking for the sentences, and ofcourse I would have asked the Hotel who speak English exactly what it read and if it would be correct as extra precaution.

@kyototrans: Are you a Japanese translator also? If you are, why not just answer the questions?
@uco, ometenashi & ryojokerz: Thanks for your input, much appreciated!
by krazed15 rate this post as useful

Re: Peanut, Peanut Oil allergy translation 2012/3/22 09:11
@kyototrans: Are you a Japanese translator also? If you are, why not just answer the questions?

I'm afraid you miss the point of his post. Even if he were to translate for you here, you would not benefit from the verified accuracy that quality translation services provide. Yes, translation services are expensive, but so is a hospital stay... or a funeral. I agree with kyototrans, and I wouldn't stake my health on the advice given in an anonymous forum.
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

Ask IN PERSON to someone who can be responsible 2012/3/22 18:10

As I and others have pointed out, the problem is that we are all anonymous here.

As I've suggested, at least ask a doctor or hotel conceirge for help in person, because those people can give their names and be responsible for the information to a certain extent.

I am a professional translator and from previous posts I trust that Kyototrans is as well, and that is why we try our best not to provide full translations anonymously when the issue is serious as this.
by Uco rate this post as useful

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