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Good japanese school in Hamamatsu 2012/3/24 00:45
Does anyone know if there is a good japanese school in hamamatsu? can they get me the visa to go studying foe a 1 year course?
Hope you can recommend something!!
by Jack (guest)  

Re: Good japanese school in Hamamatsu 2012/3/24 13:23
I don't have a specific recommendation, but to get you started on your search, try:

Click "ENGLISH" at the upper left corner, under "Information about Japanese Language Schools," click "Finding with Zone/Local Area."
Under "Tokai and Hokuriku," click "Shizuoka." (That's the prefecture.)

You will get a list of all Japanese language schools in Shizuoka prefecture, and if you scroll down you will find three that are in Hamamatsu City ("Hamamatsu-shi").

Click on the individual school information to the right to see the details.

All of those schools should be accredited, meaning, if you enroll in their one-year (or longer) full-time courses, they will help you get the Student visa so that you can study there.
by AK rate this post as useful

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