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Golden Week Intensive Japanese Course 2012/3/28 12:03
Hi everyone,

I'm looking for a short-term intensive Japanese course anywhere in Japan during Golden Week.
I'm having a bit of difficulty finding one.

AMICA Language School has been known to hold them but isn't this year I've just been told.

Has anyone studied somewhere in the past during Golden Week? Or heard of a school nearby them that holds a course?
Thanks in advance for any help.
by mmm5ryan  

Re: Golden Week Intensive Japanese Course 2012/3/28 16:57
never used them but meguro language center offers a variety of courses...
by gilesdesign (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Golden Week Intensive Japanese Course 2012/4/20 00:10
Thanks very much for your suggestion. I checked out MLC and it's not quite what I'm after, but I really appreciate your help. Thank you.
by mmm5ryan rate this post as useful

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