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Roan Kikunoi - Lunch or dinner
2012/3/30 19:56
I'm very interested in trying Roan Kikunoi but can't seem to find what the difference in the menu is between lunch and dinner. Is it worth paying almost twice the amount for the dinner?
Also, do they speak English there? Can I just make a reservation with the restaurant directly or do I have to call my hotel to do that for me?
Thanks in advance for your help!
by justdonothing
Re: Roan Kikunoi - Lunch or dinner
2012/3/31 09:39
Probably it is tough to say the difference by visiting once or twice. It is not a matter how big your dishes are. Who visits there every other month can maybe tell the difference. Plus I believe they will use some expensive materials for the dinner menue. You know the price is not only for the food... Anyway dinner atmosphere is different everywhere and you can stay there longer than during the lunch hours. Since they received Micheran(?) two stars rating, they have been very busy, so it sounds like you should ask your hotel to make a reservation for you.
by Jay Key (guest)
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Re: Roan Kikunoi - Lunch or dinner
2012/4/25 18:19
I have had dinner at Kikunoi, there are many more courses than served at lunch. I recommend you make a reservation well in advance as at any good Japanese restaurant it's almost impossible to reserve at the last minute (or even the week before.) If you don't speak Japanese there are a couple of options: If you have booked your hotel then ask them if they would kindly make an advanced reservation for you. If you have not yet booked your hotel try faxing a reservation request to Kikunoi. Or when you arrive in Japan ask someone to phone for you. Good Luck.
by Lisa (guest)
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