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Best Bakeries and Pastries Shops in Tokyo
2012/3/31 15:21
what are the best bakeries and pastry shops in tokyo? and where can i get really good crepes?
by dang0
Re: Best Bakeries and Pastries Shops in Tokyo
2012/3/31 19:25
Try any of the Andersen bakery/ cafe chain, in Tokyo (also in Hiroshima). Very nice cakes at reasonable prices. Last Andersen's I ate/ drank at was in the Ueno Station concourse.(see also Apart from that, as a non-resident, we just experimented when we last visited - if it looked good, and was reasonable, we just tried it (including the baked goodies in the combini's e.g. Lawson)
by Tim (guest)
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Re: Best Bakeries and Pastries Shops in Tokyo
2012/3/31 19:37
Can second Andersens: great array of bakery delights. We frequently use the one at Shinagawa Station, and also have used the one at Ueno. Most railway stations will have a bakery store: I'm sure Tokyo station must have one, just haven't needed to look.
by fmj
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Re: Best Bakeries and Pastries Shops in Tokyo
2012/3/31 20:10
One of the best places to shop for extravagant pastries is La Patissieria in Shinjuku Takashimaya's food basement. There, the creations of more than a dozen fine patissiers are available through a single vendor. It allows you to pick and choose from an outrageous array and buy them all in one fell swoop. They also have a counter where you can eat them on the spot, with beverages for sale as well.
Most department store food basements have at least a few patisserie and boulangerie vendors. Which ones are best is really a matter of taste and opinion, but it's fun to pick and choose.
by Uma (guest)
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Re: Best Bakeries and Pastries Shops in Tokyo
2012/4/1 17:05
The main branch of Andersen's in Aoyama is okay, but all the other branches I've been to have been horrible.
Maison Kayser, Viron, and Paul are all pretty good, and department store food floors are a good bet.
by Umami Dearest
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