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Domo vs. arigato 2012/4/2 01:04

Just wondering which word would be best to use at a restaurant when the waiter gives you your food.

I've mostly seen 'domo' being used, is this the more casual word? Would arigato(gozaimasu) be too formal?

Please enlighten me!

Thanks :)
by chie (guest)  

Re: Domo vs. arigato 2012/4/2 18:30
"Domo" is like a friendly "Uh-huh!" or "Ta!" while "Arigato" is "Thank you," and "Arigato gozaimasu" would be "Thank you very much."

You could use either "domo" or "arigato." Adding "-gozaimasu" would be a bit too formal :)
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Domo vs. arigato 2012/4/3 03:16
You can say "domo" with a little bow to the waitress or you can say "itadakimasu" & separate the chop sticks & go for it, if you are hungry.
by ay (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Domo vs. arigato 2012/4/3 08:26
Digging in without saying any kind of thanks like "ay" above says would be somewhat rude - as if to say "Boy, was I made to wait for my food!" lol but some people might find it cute :)
by AK rate this post as useful

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