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Translation Help 2012/4/7 05:53
螺旋の中で輪は廻る. 光の中の煌めきは, 廻り巡り 煌めきを増す. しかし小さな 螺旋はいつしか崩れ ながら輝きを戻し,大きな螺旋の輪となって再び廻り続ける.


I've had trouble translating this because it seems to be written in an old-style format. I can make out things like "seat of six and ten."
by Fen (guest)  

Re: Translation Help 2012/4/9 10:01
A ring (doesn't say how many rings) birls in a spiral.The blinks (doesn't say how many blinks), truning (visiting each spot) around (skirting around the light?), could be one of the light, gets stronger. But small spirals regain the sparkles (I can't tell what kind of brightness) crambling away before long and forming a big spiral ring to keep birling again.

In a spiral, 'Za', in a steady distance but close enough, (you translate it 'seat', but not sure what it is from this context) apears. At the beginning it was just one 'za'. Passisng a time as long as a blink, it became 10 and 6 za and in the end it it becase 10 and 2 za while the ring kept birling.

It is not any old style but very foraml like belletristic literature
or just a poem. Actually, I can not understand what it is talking about, maybe talking about a story of the birth of universe or something? Or just imagined scenery.

'Za', according a Japanese dictionary, has several meanings:

1. place to sit down like seat
2. position to identify the location, like coordinate or a sign of the zodiac
3. place for something is placed or set, like a barbette
4. state of somebody sittin down
5. gathering of people like meeting, lecture
6. suffix attached to a playhouse name or zodiac

The augher may use 'za' as a special meaning in the story. You have to identify it. Seat does not sound right this case.

by Jay Key (guest) rate this post as useful

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