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Does this sentence in Japanese make sense? 2012/4/7 06:18
Does this sentence make sense? I am only just starting to learn japanese.


If not, please tell me how to write it so that it does! Thank you
by Jade Minor (guest)  

Re: Does this sentence in Japanese make sense? 2012/4/7 21:32
Grammer is OK. But if you want to emphasize that now you are or have been studying Japanese, I would say '勉強しています' rather than 勉強します, otherwise 勉強したいです is fine as well. It sounds more natural Japanese.
by Jay Key (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Does this sentence in Japanese make sense? 2012/4/8 04:25
by Jade Minor (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Does this sentence in Japanese make sense? 2012/4/9 03:51
please ,where is best place to learn japanese online, is it hard language to master?
by wanderingminstrel49 rate this post as useful

Re: Does this sentence in Japanese make sense? 2012/4/9 05:33
Search Tae Kims Guide to Japanese, it's pretty good for grammar. And Nihongo o Narau is good for things like vocab. Nihongo dekimasu has lots of free downloads of books and software. And is really good for when u get the basics down. It's good for listening and reading comprehension.

Japanese is a bit hard to grasp at first but it gets way easier once you get the basics of grammar down pat. I'm not very good yet but I can have a simple conversation and I haven't been learning for long. It's the grammar that's the hardest (and the kanji)

Hope I helped!
by Jade Minor (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Does this sentence in Japanese make sense? 2012/4/9 18:57
Hei, thank you, i have picked up words like Arigato and doumo but its the japanese characters that confuse me, you know what i mean maybe,
by wanderingminstrel49 rate this post as useful

Re: Does this sentence in Japanese make sense? 2012/4/9 19:01
for example how does one say this


by wanderingminstrel49 rate this post as useful

Re: Does this sentence in Japanese make sense? 2012/4/9 20:06
wandering minstrel49,

I don't know where you picked it up, but:
Kiritsu! Rei! a phrase often used in Japanese schools for the head teacher (or the student representative) to say to an auditorium full of students: "All rise! Bow!"

I assume you are a beginner learner of the Japanese language - you will need to start either with the "kana" (phonetic) writing, or "romaji" (romanized Japanese writing), and then gradually learn the "kanji" (characters with meanings). Enjoy learning!
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Does this sentence in Japanese make sense? 2012/4/9 21:20

I definitely agree with AK on this one, aside from one part. I absolutely do not recommend using romaji to learn japanese unless you only want to speak. I started that way, and once I decided I wanted to learn written language as well, it was twice as hard as it should have been.

When you learn with romaji, I find you use it as a crutch.

And anyways, wouldnt it feel much more rewarding to start your language learning process by being able to read kana? I know I was darn proud when I was able to read a whole sentence NOT in romaji.

Just something to think over :) But if you DO only want to learn spoken Japanese, then Im sure using romaji wont hurt you, but I still wouldn't recommend it.

Lucky learning!
by Jade Minor (guest) rate this post as useful

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