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clarins online store 2012/4/11 16:34
Could anyone translate this for me please?
I have been trying to register for Clarins and Me online shopping site . I filled my name in, first in alphabet and it was declined, then again in hiragana and it keeps coming up with this message:
I think it means please type your name in full? ie kanji?
(but I don't have kanji)
Hope someone can help!
There isn't a Clarins in my area.
by blossom (guest)  

Re: clarins online store 2012/4/12 06:14
This says "please enter in double byte." You must have entered ブロッサム (for "blossom"). What they want is ブロッサム, the same katakana in double-byte.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: clarins online store 2012/4/12 10:31
If yoi use IME, you have options to input Hiragana, Full-width(全角) or Half-width (半角)katakana & alphnumeric.

by ay (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: clarins online store 2012/4/12 10:47
thanks for your help,
I'm sorry to sound ignorant, but how do you convert to double byte characters? I know how to do it on my mobile phone but not PC....

by blossom (guest) rate this post as useful

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