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Come to Japan? - use of ne? 2012/4/16 08:17
Can anyone tell me what these sentences mean?

Does the ne imply a question, or is it meant to give a statement?

The context is, I was asking the other person if he is a DJ.


by Saus (guest)  

Re: Come to Japan? - use of ne? 2012/4/16 09:45
I do DJ and dancer as well.

Please come.

Please do come in May!

THe sentence ending "" is for emphasis/adding a friendly tone.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Come to Japan? - use of ne? 2012/4/16 11:31
'ne' means 'you know' or 'OK'. By putting 'ne' in the end, the speaker is expecting your positive reaction or pushing your thought forward. This is used only oral conversation.
by Jay Key (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Come to Japan? - use of ne? 2012/4/16 17:45
Thank you very much!

How about this sentence?


I think it means, "there's a very high chance I'm going for Design Festa".
Is that right?

by Saus (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Come to Japan? - use of ne? 2012/4/16 18:28
About right :)

- I will not exhibit/perform at the Design Festa, but I intend to go visit/for fun.
by AK rate this post as useful

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