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Meaning name Higen 2012/4/17 00:15
Does someone know the meaning of the name 'Higen'? (movie: the last samurai) Thank you!!
by DeborahV (guest)  

Re: Meaning name Higen 2012/4/17 10:55
I guess you are talking about the kid in the movie.

The sound of the name is like a ninja or calligraphy manser, so it was a bit strange when I heard of the name given to the child.

The kanji is like flying for hi and origin for gen. Actually I do not belieave there was such customs in Japan to give heavy names to small kids. They would be given gwown-up name after they were no longer kids.
by Jay Key (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Meaning name Higen 2012/4/17 22:24
Thank you!! Greetings
by Deborah Verslyppe (guest) rate this post as useful

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