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Could someone help me translate this? 2012/4/18 22:06
A friend asked me this, and while I *believe* I get the gist of the question, I don't want to respond and look silly. Here it is:

Ureshii deshou. Naze wa kanashii no ka?
by Zach (guest)  

Re: Could someone help me translate this? 2012/4/19 11:32
Isn't it pleasing. Is Naze (your name?) sad, aren't you?

by Jay Key (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Could someone help me translate this? 2012/4/19 14:25
isn't 'naze' a written form of 'dooshite' (why)? At least in my texts. I don't know about how formal it might be.
by kit (guest) rate this post as useful

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