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Needing the inner tube of tire changed 2012/4/21 11:31
I don't speak much Japanese and I need to have the inner part of my tires of my bicycle changed. I searched online as to how to ask this, but I haven't found a thing. Anyone who knows could you please respond.

by Darkrystal  

Re: Needing the inner tube of tire changed 2012/4/22 01:51
Do you need to replace or repair it(more common)?
Go to a bicycle shop and show and they will know what to do.
But if you want to say something,
"punk (from puncture) no shuzen(repair)wo
onegai simasu or sitekudasai".
Or if it needs to replaced(too many holes or repaired), say
"tube wo torikaete(replace) kudasai"
And ask how much? "ikura desuka?"
by ay (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Needing the inner tube of tire changed 2012/4/22 06:40
by SEA monster rate this post as useful

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