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Nishiki / Pontocho - Lunch Recommendations 2012/4/23 16:10
My friend and I will be in Kyoto and were wondering if any of you had any particular restaurant recommendations in Nishiki Market and Pontocho? Not looking for the very expensive, high end establishments by the way :)

We are staying at Ryokan Shimizu, so if anyone has other food recommendations around the ryokan that would be great too.

Thanks so much in advance.
by WongJP  

Re: Nishiki / Pontocho - Lunch Recommendations 2012/4/23 17:16
I'm a big fan of Yaoya no Nikai in Nishiki Market -it's run by an upscale vegetable shop, and for Y2100 they do a great multi-course lunch centered on their heirloom vegetables.
by Umami Dearest (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Nishiki / Pontocho - Lunch Recommendations 2012/4/24 13:16
Neat! It sounds like reservations are highly recommended, but we'll still consider it when we're in that area.
by WongJP rate this post as useful

Re: Nishiki / Pontocho - Lunch Recommendations 2012/4/24 20:08
I've gotten in once without reservations, but I'd still recommend them - even same-day reservations on the morning you want to go.
by Umami Dearest (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Nishiki / Pontocho - Lunch Recommendations 2012/4/24 22:56
Yaoya no Nikai looks good--I may try it next month myself! If you can't get in there, I can recommend the obanzai buffet lunch at Hotel Unizo. 1000 yen on weekdays, not fancy, but they have a large spread and everything tastes really good. The time I went I got there at 11:30 when they opened, and it was quite a while before the place filled up. They are on Kawaramachi near Sanjo; a map is here:

If you can decipher some Japanese, a restaurant guide listing is here:

But there are soooooo many restaurants in that area that I wouldn't worry too much about lining one up in advance.
by Uma (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Nishiki / Pontocho - Lunch Recommendations 2012/4/25 00:07
Sounds great, thank you both for the suggestions. We'll definitely check them out while exploring the area.
by WongJP rate this post as useful

Re: Nishiki / Pontocho - Lunch Recommendations 2012/4/27 23:27
East end of NISHIKI reaches ShinKyo--goku street walk north up You can find TAKOYAKIshop. You should not miss TAKOYAKI!
by 36madcooky rate this post as useful

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