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Help with No and Kono put together 2012/4/24 01:51
Hello. I recently read a sentence in which の was used in a way I haven't learned yet, and I would appreciate it if someone could explain it to me.

The original sentence was in a manga and was a bit silly, but I tried to find structurally similar examples in an online dictionary.

I was hoping to understand this structure:

As in this sentence: 君のこの寒さにすぐ慣れるだろう。

I can understand の+この in a sentence like the one below, or at least the relationship is relatively clear to me:

Is the の in 君のこの寒さ similar to sentences where you can use either no/ga??

Basically, I'd like to know what the の after the 君 is doing.
Thank you all for any help!
by Anna (guest)  

Re: Help with No and Kono put together 2012/4/24 14:48
This should read:


'の after 君' is obviously wrong.

It would make the meaning like 'You, too, will get accustomed soon with this coldness.'

Otherwise, if the sentense you present is correct, it should mean:

This coldness of yours will be accustomed soon.

In this context, 君 itself is very cold as an ice man or a snow man and the poeple with 君 will get used to 君's coldness soon.

If this is it, some other samples are like:


This sweater of yours feels warm.


That rookie of Yankees is teriffic.

In oral conversation, it could happen. If in writing, it should be like:


You know, the word order is a little flexible in Japanese, so it could make sense as far as no other meaning is imagined. Particles (josi) make it possible.
by Jay Key (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Help with No and Kono put together 2012/4/25 02:19
It should be は instead of の.
You will get used to this cold weather in no time.
寒さ is a state, not an object.
this cake you made=君の作ったこのケーキ,
this your cake=君のこのケーキ
the man in this picture=写真のこの男の人
by ay (guest) rate this post as useful

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