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Translate this brass medallion? 2012/4/24 10:14

I was wondering if someone could help me translate this brass medallion that was from the Japan Bowl in 1979 Tokyo, Japan. Thanks,


- Jake
by Jake (guest)  

Re: Translate this brass medallion? 2012/4/24 13:31
From top to bottom, right to left.

2nd line is written in chinese (but this is very basic chinese letters).
天啓四年 is not japanese era name.

So I searched "尚瑞院", and got some results.
National museum of Korea Collection Database.

The medallion is old korean horse pass (something like tickets).

Maybe 尚瑞院 is Joseon Dynasty's public office.

二 is 2.
馬 is horse.
牌 is piece (like domino pieces).

Joseon Dynasty used chinese era name,
then 天啓四年 is AD 1624.
三月 is march.
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