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Acceptable Kanji for the name Hagumi? 2012/5/3 03:57
For some reason, I cannot seem to find any details for this. Is this name a common name/acceptable name used in Japan? If it is, how does one usually write it? Does it have a kanji equivalent?

Thank you :)
by Gracie (guest)  

Re: Acceptable Kanji for the name Hagumi? 2012/5/3 10:08
There seems to be a cartoon character with that name, but I would not consider really common. It is often simply written in hiragana, はぐみ.

One possible kanji combination that is used in real life seems to be 育美, consisting of two kanji meaning (1) "foster (a friendship), or nurture" and (2) "beauty" (a popular ending for girl's name). (This name in kanji can also be pronounced as "Ikumi."
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Acceptable Kanji for the name Hagumi? 2012/5/3 11:10
It is not common at all.

Hagumi souds like 'hug me!'. So she will be teased all life.

by Jay Key (guest) rate this post as useful

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